Matt Staver Wants You To Pray For The "Unknown Liberal"

I see that activist Orlando lawyer and Liberty Counsel chairman Mathew D. Staver has an exciting new prayer-in-action program:

Here's How it Works...

Pick one or more of the liberals from the list we have posted online at, or choose your own liberal(s) to adopt. If you are led to choose one or more of the liberals we have selected for consideration, please read their brief biographical statement, including the reasons they stand in need of prayer.

Pray earnestly and intensely for them! Pray that the Lord would move upon them and cause them to be the kind of leaders who will encourage others to lead "a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." We encourage you to seek the Lord's guidance on how to pray for your liberal(s), always allowing Him to temper your prayer with His love and mercy.

Join Us as We Pray for God's Powerful
Intervention in Many Liberals' Lives

Please pray daily for the liberal(s) of your choice, so each can become a good influence on our Nation's culture. Prayer is powerful! It allows God to change the minds of those for whom we are praying. In fact, we fully expect that many of our adoptees will "graduate" from this prayer program with vivid testimonies of God having changed their lives and worldviews!

Among the usual targets (Olympia Snowe, Michael Bloomberg, Arnold?) there is this prayer for the "Unknown Liberal":

The "Unknown Liberal"

There will likely be additional liberals the Lord may bring to mind who desperately need your prayers. Feel free to select your own unique liberal and adopt them for prayer, perhaps even nominating one or more liberals for listing on our website by emailing us at


Personally I am praying for some of my favorite judges, Glenn Garvin, and George L. Metcalfe, but not necessarily in that order.

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