Your Handy Glenn Garvin Checklist

I lost my breakfast attempting to get through Garvin's column this morning, so I was reluctant to give it another go and actually try to finish the darn thing.

But I waited for my lunch to digest, and gave it another crack.

Here's a checklist of things I learned from Garvin today:
1. Hokey "letter from Obama" premise;

2. Obligatory reference to early 1970s (Nixon at Great Wall);

3. Obligatory joke about ACORN and pimps;

4. Misleading and distorted stats about Obama's record on the economy (for an antidote, please see this WP article which actually looked at the numbers in relation to the "jobs creation summit" Garvin mocks);

5. Misleading and distorted stats about FDR and the New Deal (for an antidote, please see this TPM article which explains how unemployment rates dropped from a high of 25% to 10% before WWII);

6. Obligatory joke about Obama apologizing to everyone (especially the French!);

7. Obligatory Ronald Reagan Was God reference and misleading and distorted stats about unemployment under Reagan (for an antidote, please see this history of unemployment figures under Ronnie);

8. Obligatory Obama/Nobel Prize joke; and

8. Obligatory Biden is a clown joke.
Oh hail, I think I just lost it again.

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