Business Monday Takes Look At Local Law Firms -- It Ain't Pretty.

Ok ok, several of you have asked for my thoughts on this Business Monday look at local law firms and how they are faring during these tough economic times.

Here's what I took away from the story:

1. Emily Blunt is cute as a button and really shines in The Great Buck Howard; and

2. The article doesn't really break any new ground.

Wait a minute -- I take that back.

I also learned:

3. There is or used to be a real legal specialty involving "legal review of car dealer ads" and that Hollywood attorney Fred Hochszstein was apparently its resident guru.

Seriously, I know this is the work of intrepid reporter Julie Kay, but to me it was mostly a recap of stories already reported elsewhere by Julie and reframed for a more general audience.

Julie -- stay away from the Herald! They plainly left all your really juicy stuff on the cutting room floor. Then again, how else to make room for Glenn Garvin's tough, unflinching expose of Bill O?

Here's another reason the otherwise great Julie should stay away from the Herald -- take a look at the comments to Julie's piece. It makes the Herald letters page seem simply erudite and sophisticated by comparison.

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