Glenn Garvin Equates Rush Limbaugh With "My Humps"

Today's Glenn Garvin op-ed epitomizes everything that is wrong with his columns:
1. It is at least three media cycles too late.

2. It is riddled with factual and logical errors; and

3. See first two points above.
As usual, Glenn rises to the defense of the rich white man (hey, I'm ok with that), and writes that Rushbo got a raw deal because other NFL owners -- like JLo and Fergie -- are just as bad or worse:
Among Fergie's more infamous songs recorded with the Black Eyed Peas is one called My Humps, which goes: I'ma get get get get you drunk/Get you love drunk off my hump -- well, you get the drift.
Yep Glenn, Rush and Fergie are pretty much exactly the same thing -- did you used to work in marketing?

Garvin also drops this whopper:
What got Limbaugh in trouble were purportedly racist comments that mostly turned out to be Internet fabrications.
I see -- "internet fabrications," something totally different from "Glenn Garvin fabrications."

It's true there were several statements attributed to Rush that were not properly sourced. Rush himself denies them in a column published by the WSJ four days ago (see Glenn? -- you're late).

I agree with A.L. on the unverified quotes:
Contrary to what the National Review and Rush's knee-jerk defenders claim, these quotes are not all fabricated. Most of them, in fact, are well-documented (his quote about Donovan McNabb, etc.). Several of them, however, are unverifiable. They come from secondary sources (books and magazine articles about Rush) and supposedly date back to very early in Limbaugh's career. It's not as if there are transcripts of everything Rush has said on air since the 70s, so who knows whether they're true.
That's ok, though, because there are dozens of quotes that Rush has not denied that are just as bad:
The bottom line here is that free market capitalism -- the treasured, fetishistic object of Rush's wet dreams -- spoke and determined that it probably is better to have JLo or Fergie own a piece of a team than Rush:
From a pop culture marketing and public relations perspective, Limbaugh is positively toxic. Of course, Limbaugh's free to push his AM brand of loathing, and within that world he sells lots of ads. But why on earth would sane businessmen who have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a mainstream entertainment franchise want to be associated with Limbaugh's paranoia and divisiveness? Guess what? They don't want anything to do with the guy.
Thanks Glenn -- you just wasted a chunk of my time on a stupid nonissue and forced us all to revisit a story that everyone pretty much moved on from days ago.

On a happier NFL note, my fantasy team crushed -- crushed -- the Well Hung Jury. All hail Aaron Rodgers!!

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