Forum Nons Are Funny Things

Remember that Chevron suit in Ecuador that Glenn Garvin wrote about recently? (We gave our take about it here).

Glenn basically accused the lawyers bringing the suit of carpetbagging, filing the case down there when the politics of that country started to take a leftward tilt.

This, of course, makes no sense, but who knows?

Well it turns out the suit was -- as I suspected -- originally filed in the United States, and it was Chevron was insisted -- over the plaintiffs' objections -- that the courts in Ecuador were perfectly capable of administering justice:
This case was originally filed in U.S. federal court in 1993. Texaco submitted 14 expert affidavits praising Ecuador's courts and used that as a basis to move the case to Ecuador over our objections. They succeeded, so we refiled the case in Ecuador.
Never lets facts get in the way of a good story, I always say.

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