Listen, I understand it's not a good thing to publish Social Security numbers or other personal information in public forums (hey, that's what Facebook is for!), so I get why CM/ECF has recently started to highlight that issue.
But every single time you log in? You mean we all will have to separately click that box for the rest of our legal career, every single time, every single day we try to access PACER -- perhaps thousands upon thousands of times?
I guess we really are that dumb.
Totally unrelated -- did you hear Sarah Palin is going to speak at a real college? It's something called College of the Ozarks and its nickname seriously is "Hard Work U."
According to the school's student handbook (portion highlighted above), this may be one of the few decadent, sicko liberal fornicatin' colleges that even George L. Metcalfe can get down with.
Since we're on the topic of God-given sexuality, does the public option turn you on? I was kinda lukewarm on it, but I suddenly have a strong interest in its passage now that it is literally personified by the lovely Heather Graham.
I hope everyone has had a chance to read the motion for rehearing en banc that was just filed regarding the recent ILSA opinion by the 11th Circuit. It minces no words, and argues flatly that the Panel decision "was the result of obvious bias."
Finally, speaking of alleged bias, this Orly Taitz is one hot crazy mama -- she has granted one of my many wishes and has appealed Judge Land's Rule 11 sanctions order to the 11th Circuit in an unusually detailed notice of appeal.
There are lots of highlights, but here's my favorite part:
Judge Land’s actions that amounted to misstating or misrepresenting ninety percent of what was presented in the pleadings and argument, completely ignoring ninety percent of the argument and facts, making extremely rude and demeaning remarks, showing bias; taken together, appear to be designed to silence her and, intimidate her and above all, punish her for what the Court perceived as political rather than “core” constitutional questions. It appears to be a thinly veiled threat to other attorneys not to pursue similar Constitutional issues, which will have a chilling effect on the ability of the public to use the Federal Court system to uphold their constitutional rights. Judge Land’s remarks amounted to nothing short of political lynching, which turned into feast and celebration by the media mob.So I guess she's saying Judge Land got 10 percent of it right?
Maybe I'm jaded, but that's not too bad a percentage when you think about it.
Holy hail it feels like Friday.
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