I Love You George L. Metcalfe!

No, not in that way.

But your extraordinary certainty in the application of God's law to Florida gay adoption issues is either admirable or very scary:
Law which accurately contemplated this eventuality for the Jewish people (and the fact that slavery continues even today) is perfect God-given law. Time is no factor. God is unchanging and immutable, meaning He is absolute, unchallengeable, unassailable, indisputable, incontrovertible, and undeniable.
Exactly what law school did you learn this in?

You know, when I took the oath at the 3d DCA they must have left out that part.

According to George, God is like a slightly anal Dr. Weil, but without the fun psychotropics:
Coleman never understood that laws of Leviticus are health laws. Skin and blood infections abound when laws of adultery are broken (hence STDs and AIDS), and when garments of mixed animal materials are interwoven and worn in direct contact with human skin without sanitary lining. Harnessing horses and donkeys together results in uneven pulls on both animals, and greater injury risk to the farmer and his animals. Coleman should notice that serious health law violations which imperil people have greater legal remedies. Today’s research confirms great health benefits of those today who obey God’s law.

God’s laws condemning homosexual practices (Lev. 18:22) as an abomination remain consistent with all other health laws. As remedy for violating this law, God’s will separates those who defile themselves with homosexuality from the community (Lev. 18:29-30). Nowhere in 66 books of the Bible are children permitted to live with practicing homosexuals.
(I take it back -- maybe there were some psilocybin mushrooms somehow involved.)

But George makes a good point.

In fact, I insist that everyone in Florida live exactly according to George's conception of God's law.

Forget H1N1, George and I propose the Florida Legislature immediately pass a statute forbidding the sale of "garments of mixed animal materials interwoven and worn in direct contact with human skin without sanitary lining."

It's a health issue, people.

We also demand that horses and donkeys never be harnessed together (if you've seen Bachelor Party I think the reasons are obvious).

And don't get me started on sowing fields with mingled seeds.

Note to my friends at the Florida Bar News -- you've managed to turn your letters page into a "George L. Metcalfe" bot.

Each month letters are written and George responds, thus leading to more letters and responses in an infinite loop.

I guess George is right -- this endless letters debate is "unchanging and immutable" -- in other words, just like George.

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