Enough With Poor People Voting!

I am so sick of watching poor people vote. Lord knows I saw more than my share of that during the 2008 election, what with Governor Crist extending the early voting and making it slightly easier for working people to get to the polls.

And look what happened!

That's why Alex Diaz de la Portilla's new proposal to eliminate their voting rights makes a lot of sense:
Republican lawmakers, who control both houses of the Legislature, have proposed sweeping changes to the state’s election laws, including new procedures on registering voters, and requiring voters to use a provisional ballot if they move shortly before an election.

The rules would also prevent anyone, including those with video or audio equipment, from getting within 100 feet of a line of voters, even if that line is outside a polling place. This would also prevent anyone from offering legal advice to voters in line.

State Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla, a Republican from Miami and sponsor of the legislation, said the changes were a response to complaints and problems in the 2008 elections.

“We see where there were flaws, where there were holes that have to be filled,” Mr. Diaz de la Portilla said.
Hmm, I wonder which type of voter tends to move before an election? One whose house was foreclosed upon, or whose landlord was foreclosed upon, or who recently had to change jobs or divorce or find another place to live.

In other words, I think Alex is asking "should those people even be allowed to vote"?

Your tax dollars at work.

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