Three-Quarters of All Americans Are Real Smart.

Hey, did you know that Justice O'Connor spoke to Florida legislators today? And she said something about civics being important and something that should be taught in public schools blah blah blah.

Agreed -- but let's start with teachers and books!

Anyhoo, she also said this about the insightful people that inhabit the Herald letters page:
Far more Americans can name the judges on American Idol than can name the three branches of government, retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told legislators Tuesday in a push for increased civics education.
And then she really hit below the belt:
She said surveys show that three-quarters of Americans cannot distinguish between a judge and a legislator.

''They believe that judges are politicians in robes,'' she said.

You know, I'm an attorney, and even I think that sometimes!

On a serious note, who's fault is this? Budgets are slashed, teachers are severely underpaid, and the schools suffer.

Who the hail cares -- see all 1500 of you at Marlins Stadium!

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