Fun With New Math!

Boy, February is always a bad time to be at a big firm, what with collection issues, reviews etc. but it's especially bad this year, huh? You can add Mike Casey's Epstein Becker to the list of firms that fired lawyers yesterday:

Here is a summary of jobs lost yesterday:

Bryan Cave: 58 lawyers and 76 staffers

Cozen O’Connor: 61 staffers

Dechert: 19 lawyers

DLA Piper: 80 lawyers and 100 staffers

Epstein Becker & Green: 23 lawyers and 30 staffers

Faegre & Benson: 29 lawyers

Goodwin Procter: 38 lawyers and 36 staffers

Holland & Knight: 70 lawyers and 173 staffers

In other fun math news, I see how the planned expenditure of Miami-Dade taxes to build that spiffy new Marlins stadium will total $1.8 billion over 40 years. That's just what's planned.

This includes a whoppin' planned county bond repayment of $144 million in 2044.

So when this already obsolete stadium is 32 years old, taxpayers will still be shelling out $144 million for construction that occurred more than three decades ago.

Oh no, here's comes another ode to Roberto (sung to the tune of Jenny/8675309):
Roberto, Roberto who can I turn to
You give me something I can hold on to
I know you'll think I'm like the others before
Who saw your lawsuit in front of Judge Cohen
Roberto I've got your number
You need to save our town
Roberto don't change your number
4 7 6-7 4 0 0 (4 7 6-7 4 0 0)
4 7 6-7 4 0 0 (4 7 6-7 4 0 0)

Roberto, Roberto you're the only lawyer for me
You don't know me but you make me so happy
I tried to co-counsel with you before
But I lost my nerve
I tried negotiating with Bruce Greer
But Judge Cohen wouldn't let me
Roberto I've got your number
You need to save this town
Roberto don't change your number
4 7 6-7 4 0 0 (4 7 6-7 4 0 0)
4 7 6-7 4 0 0 (4 7 6-7 4 0 0)

I got it (I got it), I got it
I got your number on my phone
I got it (I got it), I got it
To save our county call
Roberto don't change your number
You need to save this town
Roberto I've got your number
4 7 6-7 4 0 0 (4 7 6-7 4 0 0)
4 7 6-7 4 0 0 (4 7 6-7 4 0 0)
Ain't numbers fun?

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