Sympathy For Scott Rothstein

Let me tell you what -- if I have to write another post about Scott Rothstein I'm going to wire $16 million to Morocco, hop on a G-5, and drop a dime on Charlie Crist.

So now the circular firing squad is forming, led perhaps by Mark Raymond:

Mark F. Raymond, an attorney who specializes in securities litigation at Broad and Cassel, said one investor told him that Rosenfeldt was at an initial meeting in March 2009, at which Rothstein explained structured settlements.

Rosenfeldt disputed that account.

"I never met with any of the settlement funding investors where such business was discussed,'' he said in an e-mail.

Raymond also said that David Boden, an attorney who worked out of the law office on Rothstein's investment dealings, was at the March meeting. "He was the point person for Rothstein on structured settlements,'' he said.

Picking up on my comments from yesterday, Fred Grimm puts it more bluntly and (even throws in a Woody Allen joke):
"I'm no genius,'' he said. ``I'm just an ordinary guy.'' But Sakowitz recognized fundamental flaws that should have been obvious to the lawyers, investors and politicians hovering around Rothstein. But they were in the same fix as the fellow in the old Woody Allen joke whose brother thought he was a chicken. He knew his brother was insane but he needed the eggs.
I'm willing to believe Stu, but does anyone know who is representing him personally? I'm not sure he's coming off that good:
"I didn't know I had control over the distribution of the [investment] funds,'' he added. ``I don't know if that letter is real. I don't know if he communicated with [the bank] about my authority. I was a signatory on a host of accounts.''
I shot the clerk???

Stuart, stop talking so much. You need to cease making statements to the press and retain a very good lawyer to help sort this out -- someone like this guy.

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