Are You Ready For Some More Rothstein?

Sheesh, media coverage of our friend Scott Rothstein is reaching almost canoodling beach priest levels -- but without the sexy bikini photos.

Raise your hand if you think Scott is returning today from his sojourn in exotic Morocco.

(tumbleweed blows slowly across vacant western town.....)

Ok, me neither, but this one is far from over.

It's interesting to see Rothstein's 50 percent equity partner Stuart Rosenfelt's public statements about this mess. I like this one from the WSJ:
"Scott was good at spending money, but he wasn't that good," Mr. Rosenfeldt said, alluding to Mr. Rothstein's flamboyant lifestyle.
And this one:
"When I met Scott he was already rich," Mr. Rosenfeldt said. "He told me he made a killing on stock." But, Mr. Rosenfeldt adds, "I now have to examine everything [Mr. Rothstein] told me."
Yep, I would say that's a pretty good idea.

BTW, the photo above is of Scott in his $5k suit.

Is it just me or did he way overpay?

Jim DeFede has more here.

Plus, if you want to see the kind of work product Kendall can put together in a weekend, you can read Coffey's short but (bitter)sweet complaint on behalf of the firm here.

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