Let's Look At Stu Rosenfeldt's Campaign Contributions!

This part of John Pacenti's DBR article this morning was interesting:
The government confirmed through its filing that RRA employees accepted large work-related bonuses shortly after being instructed to make large campaign contributions to political candidates.When asked about that yesterday, Stu (who still hasn't learned to keep his pupik shut) said the following:
“Such conduct was designed to conceal the true sources of the contribution and to illegally circumvent campaign finance laws,” according to the filing signed by Sloman and three assistant U.S. attorneys.
Stu, if it's "not prudent to answer" than why are you talking to the press?Rothstein law partner Stuart Rosenfeldt gave $150,000 to political committees to support Republican Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti and Democratic challenger Scott Israel last year. On Tuesday, Rosenfeldt said that came from his money, but he declined to say whether Rothstein directed him to make the contributions.
``I'm not going to comment on that stuff,'' Rosenfeldt said. ``Scott ran the place like a rooster. I don't think it's prudent to answer. It was my money.''
Also, why then answer with two potentially contradictory things -- Scott "ran the place like a rooster" but "[i]t was my money."
It's not hard to find out more about political contributions on these here tubes.
Here are Kim's 2008 federally-reported contributions (about $100k), and here are Russell Adler's contributions.
Hmm, Russ donated $124k to the McCain-Palin Victory 2008 (barf) on October 21, 2008, whereas Stu donated $57k to the McCain-Palin Victory 2008 a whole six days later, on October 28, 2008.
Earlier, Russ donated $80k to the McCain-Palin Victory 2008 on June 12, 2008, whereas Stu donated $140k to the McCain-Palin Victory 2008 a whole two weeks before that, on May 28, 2008.
(For those keeping a scorecard, big bad Scottie donated $37.5k to the McCain-Palin Victory 2008 on October 14, 2008, and another $70k back on May 2, 2008.)
It's nice when partners share the same political interests, right?
BTW, in the prior Presidential campaign cycle, back in 2004, Stu donated a sum total of $5k to all candidates and campaign committees (oy with this Friends of Connie Mack).
By comparison, Scott donated a whopping $7.5k back in 2004.
What a difference four years make.
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