Article on Water Energy Nexus


A recent article by Professors Robert Abrams and Noah Hall to be published in the Natural Resources Journal and available online here, gives an overview of issues related to the Water Energy Nexus in the USA.

Whereas most peer-reviewed articles in law on the water energy nexus up to now seem to examine only particular issues such as desalination or coal bed methane extraction, this article provides a very thorough study of (and an excellent source of references on) most of the issues related to increased competion for water resources in a context where energy demand increase requires more water as a productive input.

Particularly interesting from a legal perspective is the example of oil shale exploitation in the Colorado basin (p.40-45).

It also provides reflections on the emerging concept of water security (see p.16-29) which ties to current research by Professors Patricia Wouters and Sergueï Vinogradov as well as Bjorn-Oliver Magsig to be published in the Yearbook of International Environmental Law.

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