Pig Roasts For Everyone!

Hi kids, it's a slow news day huh?

Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to share with your humble South Florida civil law blogger?

Sure I could regale you all with stories about a phone call I just had, or a letter I just wrote, or even a hearing I am getting ready for.

Hey, later I'm gonna edit a response I am working on and have a meeting with some of my partners!


So let's discuss pig roasts:

In a news release from the Republican Party of Florida e-mailed at 9:12 a.m., Gov. Charlie Crist confirmed the worst-kept secret in Florida politics: He'll run for the seat to be vacated by the retiring U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez.

''Here in Florida, we've shown that when we put people first and work together, much can be accomplished, and I intend to bring that same approach to Washington,'' Crist said. ``That is why, after thoughtful consideration with my wife Carole, I have decided to run for the U.S. Senate.''

His low-key announcement -- no press conference, no statewide fly-around -- starkly contrasts with the high-stakes political firestorm it triggers. Florida is likely to see as many as five statewide races for open seats in 2010.

Crist already has the endorsement of the NRSC over his opponent, local lawyer Pat Toomey, I mean Marco Rubio.

So Marco will draw out all the crazies, who want to "purify" the party, while Charlie tacks to the hard right to appease the 20 percenters who manage to always get their letters published in the Miami Herald.

Should be fun.

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