Retoring Labor's clout

In These Times has an interesting post on revitalizing the labor movement. It focuses on University of Texas law professor Julius G. Getman's new book, Restoring the Power of Unions: It Takes a MovementGetman portray's the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE) as a model of a member centered labor organization which has created its own mobilized rank and file, a rejuvenation of a movement, solidarity - core values gone missing from other labor organizations. Getman also rejects card check recognition as labor's salvation. He's not against it, he just does not believe it will effectuate needed change. Getman correctly notes two restrictions on labor's economic power have crippled the labor movement over time. The first is Mackay Radio, which held economic strikers can be permanently replaced. The second is Taft-Hartley's ban on secondary economic pressure.

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