Jackie Bueno Sousa, Legal Scholar.

Hi folks, what a pleasant surprise -- a few more days of sweater weather! Enjoy it while it lasts....

Like her Herald brethren Glenn Garvin, new local conservative Herald columnist Jackie Bueno Sousa is also a legal scholar.

The problem -- yawn -- big jury awards!


(Sorry, I fell asleep there for a moment....)

The solution, like any intellectually rigorous conservative will tell you, involves the state taking the money from the risk-taking individual and giving it to the government:
One method several states have used is a concept called split recovery: The plaintiff only gets a portion of the award, while the other portion goes to a fund created by the state, to be used for a public purpose.
Here's my solution -- give all the money to Alex Alvarez. Frankly, that makes a lot more sense then giving it to the government. Sheesh, what is it with conservatives lately?

Better yet, give Alex Alvarez your column because this is utter crap.

Oy, I feel like I am back listening to South Florida talk radio from the 70s......Normie help me out here.....next up on Steve Kane, Jews vs. slightly more reformed Jews, and then Alan Burke will host an abortion debate!

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