Bigger is better

Union density matters, that is. This BeyondChron piece dramatically exhibits the external pressure union activists can put on employers to encourage them to "cooperate" in the process of their employees "selecting" union representation in the major hotels in San Francisco. More after the jump
Street disturbances, lobby confrontations, both tactics are used by UNITE HERE in its efforts to build public support and pressure. Not so nearly as effective as the article implies in areas like New Orleans where external support evaporates due to a lack of substantial union density and for cultural reasons. More after the jump. New Orleans is a very conservative environment, guests would likely exhibit significant anger towards "outside agitators." And like another southern city, Houston, use the police authority to ensure against disturbances of the peace, thereby rendering the protest option far less effective. Also in the past we, in Louisiana, have seen high profile "industry organizing" attempts flop in healthcare, hospitality and the oil patch.

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