Ponder the Joys of Club Gitmo at the Four Seasons

Hey all you armchair warriors who think the untried, never-charged, indefinite detainees have it way too easy at Club Gitmo, come and join us as we show them how tough we really are:

Brigadier General Rafael O’Ferrall

Deputy Commanding General

Joint Task Force Guantanamo

Guantanamo Bay , Cuba

Guantanamo Today”
Tuesday, the Seventh of July

Two Thousand and Nine

from 6:00 - 8:00 PM

The Miami Ballroom at
The Four Seasons Tower
Sixth Floor
1441 Brickell Avenue
Miami , Florida
Admission Complimentary
Please R.S.V.P.
Rossy at Tew Cardenas, LLP
Hors D’oeuvres
Cash Bar

BTW, I found yesterday's article in the NYT on the litigation over the Four Seasons to be pretty fascinating. Much of it relates to the requirements of maintaining the Four Seasons "brand" in a deteriorating economy:

At Four Seasons hotels, they spell out your children’s names in chocolates, on plates in their rooms. They put limes and Valencia oranges in the gym water coolers. They buy the best televisions, and they assemble combinations of sheets, mattresses and pillows comfy enough to provoke an unbidden endorsement on Oprah Winfrey’s show:

Oprah: Favorite thing to sleep in for you?

Julia Roberts: A Four Seasons bed.

Oprah: Four Seasons’ bed is the only bed better than my own!
See, it really is just like Gitmo!

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