New, Improved and on-line:

After a nearly month of planning, programing, coding, compiling, and complaining (not to mention more than a few late nights), the new and improved website for Kelsey & Trask, P.C. is up and running. Our attorneys, Justin L. Kelsey and Matthew P. Trask, are proud of our new website and feel it represents the true face and personality of our firm.

We have purposefully posted a large amount of content at We want our website to be a resource for you, not just a signpost or an advertisement for our firm. We encourage you to take a look around and learn more about us, the law, how we practice, and the ways we can help you or your business in these less-than-certain times.

All of the content in our page regarding divorce, paternity, child support, bankruptcy and civil practice are presented in a simple, intuitive question-and-answer format. We have resources for both attorneys and the public, including calculators for the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines, the Stevenson-Kelsey Spousal Support Calculator (as seen in TurboLaw), and a Means Test Calculator for bankruptcy cases filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Massachusetts.

Finally, we hope that our site shows that despite the problems some of us might be facing, there is help out there...don't go alone.

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