Marco Rubio Vows to Be An Unpopular Leader Who Will Emancipate Us From Medicare.

Oh 20 percenters, how I love you so.

Especially the South Florida variety, where the rhetoric skews both stupid and comic, often at the same time!

Consider our lawyer friend Marco Rubio, who is challenging the sunny centrist Charlie Crist.

According to one of Rubio's supporters, Charlie hasn't "manned up."

I wonder what that could be about?

And Marco is a student of history, and therefore can say this with assurance:
''I can't find a great leader in human history that was popular, and what that tells me is leadership and popularity is not the same thing,''
Exactly -- FDR won four straight Presidential elections because everyone hated him! Plus he barely showed any leadership through the Depression or the worst human conflict in world history.

The best part is Marco's plan to emancipate us from the slavery of a social safety net, just like his hero Honest Abe:
''Marco is a student of history,'' Scott said, ''and he made a connection between the emancipation of the slaves under Lincoln and the emancipation of our current populace by undoing the things Lyndon Johnson had done as part of the Great Society programs,'' which included a host of welfare and anti-poverty programs, as well as Medicare and Medicaid.
I agree Marco -- any student of history knows slavery and Medicare are pretty much the same thing.

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