Teachers, Masseurs And Other Non-Responsible Positions.

Careful readers know I adore Judge Schwartz.

And it's not just the ticky-tacky, gloriously large nature of his opinions, it's what he says sometimes too!

Here he is patiently explaining the proposed rule change so that convicted felons can't ever become lawyers, ever:
“We just felt it was inappropriate to have convicted felons barred from being on the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and being teachers and masseurs, and a whole slew of what would seem to be non-responsible positions, and not have it impossible to be a felon for a lawyer,” said Third District Court of Appeal Senior Judge Alan Schwartz, who chaired the 15-member commission.
Exactly --a whole slew!

Teachers, masseurs, hot dog vendors, cosmonauts, law professors, you know, meaningless non-responsible dead-end jobs nobody gives a hail about.

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