Big theacher is watching

It seems a public school has disciplined a student for conduct occurring in the students home. The evidence of the improper conduct was a web cam picture taken on the school issued laptop. Ho Hum you say, no different than that compromising Facebook post? Hang on, this ain't dog bites man. More after the jump
According to this federal court law suit school administrators can remotely activate the web cam covertly and photograph anything within the cameras field of view. There are so many claims asserted this suit makes my Labor Law exam look simple. Who could have possibly thought this type of intrusive technology would be appropriate for a school district to impose upon not only the student, but anywhere he brought the laptop. Its easier to see this occurring in an employment context, but no less scary. Do employers have the right to impose surreptitious surveillance, as a by-product of providing an employer purchased electronic device? Can employers coerce consent as a condition of employment? Does this stuff happen and its just not uncovered? All so very disturbing I think. What ever happened to a simpler time?

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