Anderson City permit information

This post is very narrow and specific. For those of us living and working in Anderson, the City of Anderson has a page on its website for Applications and Permits. I have not gone through all of them as they are in PDF format. However, any looking to do any building projects this year or want to do business with the City ought to take a look at them. Here is the list:

Municipal Development

* Fee Schedule
* Inspections Provided by Permit
* Required Inspections and Instructions
* Required Submittals for Class 1
* Required Submittals for Residential
* License to Encroach Application
* Trade Permit Fee Calculation
* Commercial and Multi-Family Permit Application
* Demolition and Relocation Permit Application
* Detached Garage, Deck, Accessory Permit Application
* Electrical Permit Application
* HVAC Permit Application
* One and Two Family Permit Application
* Plumbing Permit Application
* Sign Construction Permit Application
* Swimming Pool Permit Application
* Subdivision Control Ordinance
* Thoroughfare Plan
* Board of Zoning Appeals Special Exception
* Certificate of Appropriateness
* Secondary Plat
* Primary Plat
* Variance
* Zone Map Change
* Improvement Location Permit (Instructions)
* Improvement Location Permit Application
* 2007 BZA Calendar
* 2007 BZA Calendar (pictorial)
* 2007 Plan Commission Calendar
* 2007 Plan Commission Calendar (pictorial)
* Plan Authentication Agreement
* Zoning Guide
* Street Name Packet
* Application for Transient Merchant License

Economic Development

* Application Designation Revitalization
* Commercial Tax Abatement
* New Equipment Tax Abatement
* Residential Tax Abatement
* Preliminary Application For Issuance Of Economic Development Bonds

City Engineering

* Application for Sewer Service
* Drainage Permit
* Driveway Permit


* Dumpster Permit
* Grant Application
* 2006 Recycling Calendar


* Amusement Location Machine Renewal Application
* Application for Massage Therapist License
* City of Anderson Sales Registration
* Master Vendor Application
* Permit Application

Purchasing Department

* W9 Form (For Print Only)
* Vendor Information Form

VIP Followers

Info recommended by: Webpages of law

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