Why Are More Couples Choosing Divorce Mediation?

Courts in Massachusetts are backed up, always have been backed up, and will presumably be backed up for the foreseeable future. Because of this, divorce cases can often take over a year to complete, and the time that is actually spent in court can feel rushed due to the number of other cases. All too often a decision is made by the court leaving one spouse feeling as if he or she did not get a chance to tell the full story.

Mediation provides an opportunity for divorcing spouses to discuss the process of their separation in a more personal and private forum than in a court room, often times saving the divorcing couple thousands of dollars by avoiding expensive litigation. Divorcing spouses are able to speak to one another in the presence of the mediator, and deal with issues that a court might not want to spend too much time on.

Attorney Justin Kelsey brings his experience as a family law attorney with him into mediation in order to provide divorcing spouses with useful feedback regarding the legal issues of divorce. If mediation is successful, both divorcing spouses can go to court with a separation agreement drafted by the attorneys at Kelsey & Trask, P.C. to be reviewed by the judge before entering it as a judgment. If you and your spouse have decided that you want a divorce, but would like the process to be handled carefully and privately without having to spend a fortune and put your life on hold for years as the court process plays out, or if you have any questions as to how divorce mediation works, call attorney Justin Kelsey to schedule a free one-hour consultation at 508 655-5980.

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